
Prescription refills requested by you or your pharmacy require 72-hours to process. Refills may be requested Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm. Requests left with our answering service during non-business hours will not be filled. Refill requests should be called into the office during normal hours by dialing 978-323-0350.

To request a refill you will need to provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Phone number where you can easily be reached
  • Name and dosage of medication
  • Name and location of pharmacy*

We will only contact you if there is a problem. Please contact your pharmacy to verify that your medication is ready for pick up.

* Some narcotic and other controlled-substance prescriptions cannot be filled over the telephone. You will need to come into the office and pick up the original paper prescription.

Our office policy allows us to deny any requests for refills unless the patient has a follow-up appointment scheduled. In the event that a patient is out of medication and an appointment is scheduled within 4 days, the provider will approve a refill that will last until your next scheduled appointment. However, if that appointment is canceled after receiving the short-term refill, future refills will only be filled at the time of your next appointment.

For urgent medical matters, please call us at 978-323-0350. If you have a true medical emergency, call 9-1-1.

Please be aware that there are multiple ways to obtain your prescriptions. Some options may be a 30-day or 90-day supply that you pick up at your local pharmacy or a 90-day supply that is sent to your home through a mail-order pharmacy. Please make sure that you specify this information when requesting a refill. We will do our best to make sure we honor those requests.

As a reminder, patients can access the Patient Portal for all refill requests!

Patient Resource for Prescription Cost Savings

ECW Patient Portal – Contact your Primary Care Physician online.